Crisis of capitalism and State

what country and higher education project?




The essay analyzes the crisis of capitalism and the possibilities and limits posed for the country and, particularly, for higher education, in the current context. Its development was based on an exploratory investigation, which included bibliographical research, systematic surveys in the press, documentary analysis of converging issues and consultation of aggregated data, adopting an investigation perspective, both qualitative and quantitative. The text is made up of four parts: it begins with a brief presentation of the crisis of capitalism and the role that States have played in its “administration”; then, it analyzes authoritarianism (and neofascism) as one of the solutions found by neoliberalism in crisis; in the third part, it develops the neoliberal production of subjectivities and, subsequently, analyzes some trends that have been consolidating in higher education in the country, under neoliberal logic in an authoritarian context. In the final considerations, some of the main current political obstacles in the country (and in higher education) are signalized, highlighting the need for a permanent mobilization and, particularly, of education professionals, with the horizon of building a radical democracy, which takes as a strategic reference the construction of a post-capitalist society.

Author Biography

Deise Mancebo, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Brasil

Doctor in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), with a postdoctoral degree from the University of São Paulo. She is a full professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. She was a professor of the Social Psychology Program at this university, but currently develops her main activities in the Public Policies and Human Training Program (PPFH/UERJ), of which she was a founder and member of the coordination from 2006 to 2014. Higher Education" of ANPED (2000 to 2004), as well as coordinator of the Scientific Council of the same entity (2006-2008). Participates in the Universitas/BR Network since its creation and is a member of its Collegiate Coordination since 2016. She is leader of the Research Group Work in Higher Education accredited by the CNPQ Research Groups Platform and coordinated the Education Observatory (CAPES) on the Expansion of Higher Education in Brazil (2013-2017). She was entitled to 3 Scientist of Our State grants from FAPERJ (in 2009, 2016 and 2019). She was a member of the University Council of UERJ (2018-2021). She has experience in the areas of Psychology and Education, researching mainly the following topics: work; policies for higher education and production of subjectivities.


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How to Cite

Mancebo, D. (2023). Crisis of capitalism and State: what country and higher education project?. RTPS - Revista Trabalho, Política E Sociedade, 8(13), e–869.